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Future Drought Fund Directions 2024 to 2028

Government, Research & Insights

A Focus on Drought

BlueSalt Consulting has undertaken a range of drought related work including dry season stakeholder engagement, drought resilience research including demographic and economic analysis for drought vulnerability assessments, drought-related stakeholder engagement planning and preparation of Regional Drought Resilience Plans (RDRP) in Western Australia. With this in mind, we made a submission to the Australian Government on the Future Drought Fund to inform planning from 2024 to 2028.

Our Submission

Our submission focused on four topics:

  • Elevating the role of social services
  • Coordination to drive collective action
  • Climate change resilience
  • Funding considerations

A key focus of our submission was the need to elevate the social component of sustainable development in the next round of the Future Drought Fund. We are also deeply aware of the existing resource constraints in regional social services and their peak bodies.

Therefore, while we advocate that greater integration of social services and their peak bodies should be a priority, the program should be mindful that this participation does not create additional operational burden by ensuring it is appropriately funded and resourced.

This consideration should also extend to avoiding unnecessarily onerous and detailed processes for small organisations to shape projects and obtain funding, including avoiding complex application, reporting and acquittal processes to secure time-limited funds that rely on additional operational resources.

To find out more about this, and our other recommendations, read our submission in full.

Our Impact

Did you know? Each year we dedicate our time and expertise to research and advocacy that benefits regional communities. It’s part of our social impact commitment, and you can read more about this in our impact report.

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