Case Study

Brewing Award Application Success


As a player in the growing craft beer movement in Australia, positioning yourself as a leader in your industry can really help you stand out from the crowd and strengthen your business’ reputation.


Industry Leading Business

To stand out in the crowd is what this Swan Valley brewery was aiming for in 2022 when they approached our team to develop their submission for the Australian Hotels Association (WA)’s AHA-Aon Hospitality Awards for Excellence.

An important feature of our service is that we pre-screen a client to ensure that the investment in award writing will represent value for money for them. Not all award programs are created equal and it’s important to feel confident that landing a finalist or winners position will deliver at value at least equal to the cost of preparing the application. You should only be investing in applications to strategically relevant awards program if you want value for money.


Compelling Storytelling

Clients in the Award Writing space come to BlueSalt Consulting (previously Anna Dixon Consulting) because they are time poor – especially those in the hospitality industry.

Our client really valued our team’s ability to swiftly get across their business in a short period of time. Thanks to our creative and methodical approach, we were able to communicate a persuasive story that reflected their value while tightly aligning with the award criteria.

Business Consultants

Thanks to concise and creative storytelling, strengthened by strong evidence and a high standard of presentation, we successfully demonstrated why our client was a deserving applicant, which ultimately won them the award.

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