Case Study

Options Analysis for Museum Development


A local government was aware it may be left a bequest of a very large collection of vintage and collectable items. It needed to understand the magnitude of the potential gift and the implications of establishing a museum to house them.

BlueSalt Consulting team Western Australia

Planning for a bequest

A local government was aware that a local collector was potentially going to leave the organisation a bequest of a vast array of interesting vintage and collectable items that would require a large space to exhibit and store.

To ensure it was prepared for any early discussions on this matter, we were invited to make an assessment of the opportunity and map out potential approaches for the local government.


Assessing the Collection

We identified a specialist with expert knowledge in the collection’s field to support us work sensitively with the owners to understand the magnitude of the collection and their vision for how the collection might be shared with the public.

Best Practice Research

To support the client’s understand best practices, along with issues associated with the development and operation of a museum, we undertook detailed research into other similar museums in Australia and internationally. We also completed case studies into other similar-scale museums and other tourism attractions governed and/or operated by local governments to identify opportunities and pitfalls.

Site Analysis & Design Development

We completed an analysis of three potential sites, identifying a preferred option. In collaboration with our preferred architectural practice, we prepared indicative designs, along with high-level development and operational costs.

Governance and Operational Guidance

We laid out a range of governance and operational models to support the local government identify how they would want to approach the operation of the facility if it were to proceed.


The local government was provided with a detailed options analysis and overview of how they could move forward with the project if it became a reality. This work supported their staff and elected members to visualise what it could encompass and key risks and opportunities to take into account.

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